Short holiday in Brittany - April 2014

Hugh and Kate had kindly invited me to stay at their cottage in Kerbalanen, Brittany for a few days in April 2014. Martin and Deborah Knight were also guests for the first part of my stay, and Hugo and Vicki were also guests for part of the time. Kate and Hugh's labrador-collie Bella was of course there, and also Hugo and Vickie's labrador Archie, both of whom feature large in the photos which follow.

I parked the car at Portsmouth on the evening of 18th April, and took the overnight ferry to St. Malo, arriving promptly at 8:15 am on Saturday 19th April, where Hugh was already there to drive me the 2 hours to reach Kerbalanen for a late breakfast. The short holiday lasted through Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday when I joined Hugh and Kate for the return trip overnight from St. Malo to Portsmouth.

All pictures enlarge when clicked.

Saturday 19th April - A revisit to the Valley of the Saints, and a walk at Huelgoat

Martin and Deborah were keen to see the Saints at Carnoet, and I was keen to see what changes may have taken place since I last saw them in June 2012. When I first visited the Saints in 2011 there were just 7 completed statues, as recorded in Brittany - 2011. In 2012 there were a further 12 statues which can be seen in Brittany - 2012. In 2014 there were a further 15 statues, which is what I am showing here.

In the afternoon we visited Huelgoat for a pleasant walk which was mainly along the old mining canal leading from the lake at Huelgoat to an old silver mine, where some ruins can still be seen.

First is a view of the long cottage at Kerbalanen, very welcoming, and Hugh and Kate were easily able to guest Hugo and Vicki, Martin and Deborah Knight, myself, and of course the two dogs Bella and Archie.
Now the new Saints. First was St. Rion.
Next St Cado, who appears to be stabbing Martin in the back with a sizable dagger.
Next up is St. Emilion with Deborah. As you can see these statues are really quite large.
Next is St. Gwenn, with 3 babes and 3 breasts to match!
St. Koupaia
St. Efflamm.
St. Milio.
St. Conogan (and Bella).
St. Belhet.
St. Dechen.
St. Corndy.
St. Idy, a favourite for Hugh and Kate.
St. Malo. He's an old favourite, here with Martin, Deborah and Kate.
This one is anonymous.
A few showing the view. This is looking downhill towards the south.
This is looking back uphill.
And this is looking down, north side, to the Chapel of St. Gildas.
In the afternoon we walk by the old mining canal at Huelgoat. Archie just loves the water, and is a strong swimmer. Why walk if you can just as well swim?
Bella is also up for a swim, but it's chasing sticks that she really likes.
The canal is actually sourced from the man-made lake at Huelgoat.
Back at the cottage, the weather is good for an al fresco evening meal. Martin and Deborah brought oysters only to find that Hugh, Kate and I prefer to stay safe where oysters are concerned, so they had a decent portion each. Martin obviously enjoying..

Sunday 20th April - spent at Locquirec

Martin and Deborah kindly treated us to a fine lunch at a restaurant on the water's edge at Locquirec. The weather is dodgy, but it's fine enough to take a short walk in the afternoon across the beach and round the headland nearby.
The French are rather silly about beach restrictions. Why no dogs? We pressed on regardless.
The dogs loved to play about in the sea,
and Bella tried hard to postpone leaving the sea.

Monday 21st April - a woodland walk with the dogs

We take a woodland walk near Loc-Envel including the Chateau Coat an Noz and river; Kate, Hugh, myself and Vicki, and of course the dogs.
Both dogs loved the walking. Bella was always less predictable, and getting up to things. What is she up to now?
Bella, always ambitious in her choice of sticks.
It's large, but she makes it her own. Better give her plenty of room. Hugh, Kate and Vicki look on.
The chateau is private property. It has a leaky roof, but the repairs are under way. It will be good once fully restored.
Once we reach the river there is no stopping the dogs' enjoyment.
This time Archie chooses the stick,
but he has to wrestle Bella to keep it, whether on dry land or the river.

Tuesday 22nd April - last day

In the morning Hugo and Vicki are keen to check up on the Saints. I go for a final look as well. No photos taken this day. In the afternoon I am mainly to be found hauling out stinging netles and giant hogweed from the sizeable cottage garden, which Hugh and Kate somehow manage to maintain and improve on year by year. We leave for St. Malo about 5:15 pm, and also have time to stroll the beach at St. Malo, before finally boarding the ferry home.